
Monday, 21 August 2017

Turbo Touch


  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
The game we played today was called turbo touch, so what we had to do was we got in to three teams of eight. So as we participated we had to get points by sharing the ball around also coming up with a play to use during the participation to get a point inside the goal area.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)
A - I think achieve because when I was participating I was trying to improve my participation by practising through the physical activity.

A - I think achieve because as I was playing I was really trying to get involved with the activity we were participation in.

M - I think merit because when I was playing I really like going all out and also try and do my best during my participation in the activity.

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).

  • Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)
Environment - The environment influenced my participation by the space it was small and we I did not really get to play for a long period of time. My participation went down because when participated it wasn't really a long game it was fast.

Skill level - My skill level influenced me to play hard by looking at others playing down while I was trying to get in there to try and make people flow with and play hard out. My participation went up because even thou it was boring I stilled tried my best with my skill level.

friends/classmate - My friends influenced my participation by encouraging me to keep going also to go hard out playing and even when we lost they were still giving me some good feedbacks. My participation went up because even thou others were just mucking around my friends knew that I was tried to play my hardest, and I guess that was the reason for all the good feedbacks.

  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I can increase this game in the future by asking those who did not really get actively involved of the activity, and just ask them if that they want to play, but if they do refuse then I will ask them if they want to add in some different equipment or even change up some rules a bit.

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