
Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Digital technologies

When I go to Tamaki College, I learn in Digital technologies. the Maori word for technology Hangarau. I have to use the Kiore and the Papa Paatuhi to log in the Rorohiko. At school I use a Rorhiko Ponaho. We use the Ipurangi to log into the Pae Tukutuku for Digital technology. We have to check the Maramataka to see what our task our for the day. Sometimes our teacher send us messages on the Emerther. Sometimes our teacher use her wire Pokolo.

I have learnt the following words in Maori 
Rorohiko- computer
Rorohiko ponaho- laptop
Waea pukoro-phone
Ipurangi- internet
Maramataka- calendar
Papa Paaituhi-key borad
Pae tukutuku- website
Te Wiki o te reo Moari


  1. I like the way that you have set out the Maori keywords for the Hangarau James Well done.

  2. James you've done good at writing in Maori and understanding what it means. I've learnt words I haven’t seen before.Did you have fun learning new words and using them in sentences. Nice Work! :)
